7 Black birds With White Spots: Did You See Any of Them?

7 Black birds With White Spots: Did You See Any of Them?

Black birds with white spots can be found all over the world. They are a beautiful sight, and their unique coloring makes them easy to identify. While these birds may seem like just another average black bird, there is something pretty special about them.  They are present all around the globe. Always remember crows and…

How long does it take for hummingbird eggs to hatch?

How long does it take for hummingbird eggs to hatch?

Anyone who has ever watched a hummingbird knows that these tiny birds are full of energy. But many people don’t know that hummingbirds are also incredibly diligent parents. These birds mate for life and work together to build a nest and raise their young. So, how long does it take for hummingbird eggs to hatch?…

Birds Similar to Goldfinch

Birds Similar to Goldfinch

The Goldfinch is a small North American bird that was once common in open woodlands. It migrates to the southern United States and Mexico in winter. The Goldfinch is noted for its cheerful song and attractive yellow plumage. But do you know there are birds similar to Goldfinch?  Unfortunately, habitat loss and pesticide use have…