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15 Small Bird With Red Chest (With Photo)

Small Bird With Red Chest

There’s something special about small birds; their delicate wings, dazzling feathers, and cheeky personalities make us smile.

Even more impressive are the species with a splash of crimson in their plumage, the 9 small bird with red chest, who stand out amongst their feathered friends! 

They come from four different families and hail from all corners of the world, so dive into this blog post to learn more about these unique little creatures.

From tiny popinjays to majestic macaws, each bird is an amazing example of how much diversity can be found in nature. 

Read on for inspiring images of these vibrant warriors and find out a bit more about what makes them so special!


9 small bird with red chest

The northern cardinal is a beautiful small bird, easily recognized by its signature bright red chest plumage. It’s native to woodland and thickets in the southeastern United States, up into the Great Lakes region and northeastward into Canada. 

The male is a gorgeous shade of intense cardinal red, with a black face mask that gives him an air of mystery. Females are also eye-catching with their soft brown hue and lighter, tinged red on the breast. 

During winter months, these sweet little birds sometimes gather together in flocks to form makeshift social bubbles to benefit from communal warmth.

Despite their small size, they make themselves known with their loud chirps and high notes that sound delightful when heard among the trills of other birds in nature.

Scarlet Robin

Scarlet Robin

The Scarlet Robin is a beautiful bird found across the Australasian region. It stands 19-21 centimeters tall with a bright red chest, black and white head and tail wings of brown.

The male Scarlet Robin is known for its melodious song which it uses to attract mates and defend its territory. 

It also has distinct territorial displays, including raising its feathers into an upright position and fanning out its wings while singing.

These charming birds can also be seen fluttering around, hunting for earthworms, beetles, or caterpillars in leaf litter or grasses. 

All in all, the striking red chest of the Scarlet Robin makes it a pleasant and engaging sight for birdwatchers!

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is a true joy to behold. Its full name, Pheucticus Ludovicianus, refers to its unique beauty, with a mostly black body which is offset by an impressive burnished red chest crossed with two large white wing bars. 

A medium-sized bird typically found in the Northern and Central United States, it can also be spotted in Canada and Mexico during breeding season from April until early August.

With such an extensive range, it’s no surprise that the native bird often has many admirers, who watch them in action as they hop from branch to branch seeking food or build their intricate nests woven from stems and twigs. 

We may take for granted these birds’ captivating presence in nature and the way they enrich our lives just by existing, but all of us can appreciate their majestic beauty every time we are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the ever-graceful Rose-Breasted Grosbeak.

Painted Redstart

Painted Redstart

The Painted Redstart is a songbird that gets its name from its unique reddish chest and face. New Mexico, Arizona and Texas are the primary habitat of this bird, although they can sometimes be found in northern Mexico. 

This bird loves the arid desert and scrub areas, often as an upland species in mountainous terrain, where they feed on a wide variety of insects and occasionally some fruits or grain.

The males are easily identified by the rusty red feathers covering their head and chest, while the female looks plainer with a greyish-brown coloring all over. 

This species is listed as near threatened due to habitat loss, but its population appears to be stable for now with the help of conservation measures. They are small and active birds, making them one of the most interesting to observe in nature.

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher

The Vermilion Flycatcher is a stunning bird with a bright red chest to complement the blue-gray wings, back, and head.

Its conspicuous red chest serves its purpose as an effective visual signal for attracting mates during the bird’s mating season. 

During its migration throughout North, Central, and South America, you may observe these beautiful birds in open woodland areas near the edges of streams or rivers

To attract their potential mates even more, they fly up to 8 feet off the ground and perform a fluttering flight display which not only shows off their distinctive red chests but also flaunts their flashy black crests of wing feathers. So if you are in their range, look out for these dazzling creatures around your local waterways.

Red-Breasted Sapsucker

Red-Breasted Sapsucker

Those familiar with birds of North America are likely familiar with the Red-Breasted Sapsucker, a species of woodpecker that is easily differentiated from others by its distinct red chest. 

While they often can be found poking holes in tree bark to feast on sap, this bird has left an impact beyond its act of predation; through the fungal spores collected on its feet, it plays a role in the dissemination of fungus, which then helps sustain biodiversity. 

Despite being threatened by habitat loss, these creatures have managed to keep their population strong and bring new life to many ecosystems.



The Pyrrhuloxia is one of nature’s most striking birds, with its bright red chest feathers and deep black plumage.

It is found mainly in the deserts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, where its habit of perching atop cacti makes it a particularly beautiful addition to the scenery. 

Pyrrhuloxia also enjoys eating insects such as crickets and grasshoppers, meaning that if you live near one of these desert regions, having a few Pyrrhuloxia around your garden can be an efficient form of pest control!

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

The Painted Bunting is a vibrant, colorful bird found in North America that has been studied for centuries by ornithologists.

The males have vivid colors of blue, ranging from powdery blue to deep cobalt and the females feature more subtle colors with yellow bellies, green heads and wings and greyish-brown backs. 

Even more striking are the males’ chests, which flash in shades of bright red during breeding season. While not as easily seen as other species due to their being shy birds that mostly keep to themselves, they still make a dazzling sight when spotted in the wild. 

Their vibrant coloration makes them quite popular with bird lovers who enjoy observing these depictions of avian beauty in nature.

American Robin

American Robin

The American Robin is an iconic species in North America, featuring a striking plumage of grey back and wings that stand out against its vibrant red chest.

This delightful bird can often be found hopping around in lawns and parks, feeding on insects or berry-bearing shrubs as it forages for food. 

Its song is also a quintessential part of springtime in many parts of the country, with its pleasing warble able to be heard far and wide on warm evenings.

It has even been adopted as the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin, although you don’t have to live there to see this beautiful inhabitant of our continent!

Purple Finch

Purple Finch

The purple finch is a beautiful, large-billed songbird with bright red splotches of color on its chest, making it very distinct from other birds.

Known for its high-pitched tweets and metallic chirps, this bird is most often found in the forests and woodlands across North America. 

It’s also been known to venture into residential park areas while searching for food in the form of seeds from grasses and thistles as well as berries from shrubs and trees.

Though fairly small at around five inches in length, the distinct coloration of the purple finch’s chest makes it easy to spot amongst its woodland neighbors.

House Finch

House Finch

The house finch is a common bird species in backyards all over the country, but what makes it stand out is its beautifully colored chest.

With bright red plumage that contrasts vividly against its sandy-brown feathering, this little finch has become quite the show-stopper. 

Its charming appearance is sure to bring life to any outdoor space, and birds around it seem to take note of the beautiful display.

Many avid birders and backyard enthusiasts alike seek out seeing this particular species with its vibrant chest with hopes of spotting one for themselves. 

Every time a house finch shows up, be sure to appreciate its brightly red-chested beauty and take in all the remarkable details it offers.

Cassin’s Finch

Cassin’s Finch

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, nature preserves its beautiful gifts to mankind. One such gift is Cassin’s finch with a remarkable red chest. The fact that it stands out amongst the other birds is especially marvelous. 

Not only does its vibrant hue capture emotions, but the sounds it makes in different types of climates have an ethereal aura to them.

It’s no wonder why it remains such a popular sight amongst birdwatchers. As an admirer of this majestic creature, one can not help but appreciate its vibrant beauty and distinct singing, which brings peace and joy to our ears.

Common Rosefinch

Common Rosefinch

Found in the mountainous regions of Central Asia and the Himalayas, the Common Rosefinch is a vibrant and popular species of finch.

Known best for its uniquely colored chest which varies from deep purple to dark red, this bird remains a symbol of beauty and vibrance for many birdwatchers. 

With its rather small size at 15 cm in length, its flight speed is exceptionally fast, making it quite difficult to be spotted in flight. It, however, can often be found perched atop one of the many conifers or oaks endemic regions surrounding their habitat. 

The diet includes mostly vegetable matter such as buds off trees or even some insects if need be. It is important that if you happen to come across this bird while on your next adventure, you keep your eyes peeled, its red chest alone will be an unforgettable sight.

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

The Common Redpoll, a sleek and vibrant songbird of the family Carduelidae, has striking plumage with a classic red chest.

Found throughout North America, Europe, and southern Greenland during the winter months, this small bird is characterized by its black bib surrounded by white cheeks and forehead. 

Its wings are striped with bright black and white bands that are highlighted against its creamy pink or yellow under-wing coverts.

The Common Redpoll sports two crimson feathers protruding from its crown that give rise to its Latin name, Acanthis flammea, a reference to the flamy red feathers on its head. With such vibrant features, the beauty of this species is undeniable.

White-winged Crossbill

White-winged Crossbill

A relatively rare sighting, the white-winged crossbill with a red chest is an interesting bird to watch in its natural habitat.

This species of crossbill has the same body shape as any other member of its family, but what makes it so distinct is its black-and-white striped wings showcase a bright red chest below. 

As a highly sociable bird, flocks of white-winged crossbills may be observed as they flutter from tree to tree, searching for food.

Additionally, their nesting habits are also fascinating: these birds usually construct their nests on trees at the height of around 10 meters and use pieces of dry bark from conifers and twigs to build them. 

All in all, the white-winged crossbill with the red chest could prove to be an exciting species for nature lovers looking for something out of the ordinary.

Elegant Trogon

Elegant Trogon

An elegant trogon with a red chest is one of nature’s many masterpieces. Its striking coloring and bold lines make it a favorite among bird watchers, photographers and art critics alike. 

This beautiful creature can usually be found in humid tropical areas, like the Amazon rainforest or Central American jungles. When spotted, its black and yellow wings stand out against its deep red midsection, giving it a unique and captivating appearance. 

With its mysterious behavior and awe-inspiring plumage, the elegant trogon with a red chest continues to fascinate us all.


Red-chested birds, or passerines, inhabit almost every corner of the globe. These colorful birds are a delightful sight to any bird-lover! But where do they nest? What types of food do they eat? Are they friendly toward people? 

Many questions come up when discussing red-chested birds, and it can be difficult to find accurate answers. Well, most species of red-chested birds prefer to nest in trees and brush piles. Though their diet is varied, many seek out insects as their primary source of sustenance. 

Furthermore, some even possess a tame nature meaning that individuals may be approached by humans with no fear of being harmed. All in all, red-chested birds remain an awe-inspiring sight, even if we still have much to discover about them.

What bird looks like a sparrow but has a red breast?

The most common bird one thinks of when picturing a small, brown bird with a red breast is the House Finch. Similar in size to a sparrow, this colorful species can often be found near backyard bird feeders or perched atop telephone wires. 

With a reddish-orange breast and head, the House Finch is notable for its streaked back and wings with white edges on its tail feathers.

This brightly colored bird is native to western North America but was introduced to eastern North America in 1940 and continues to grow in population. 

While these beautiful birds may first appear like any other species of sparrow, their signature reddish-orange color unmistakably makes them unique.

What kind of bird has a bright red chest?

The Red-breasted Nuthatch is a beautiful bird with a bright red chest that can be found throughout the United States.

These acrobatic birds predominantly eat insects but will also enjoy foraging for sunflower seeds. With the help of its strong bill, the nuthatch pries open trunk and branch crevices in search of prey. 

When seen on tree trunks, it often moves about head first, clinging to narrow sections like a mountaineer scaling a cliff face.

This rare sighting is exciting for any bird watcher, seeing a Red-breasted Nuthatch with its bold red chest boldly standing out against bare bark.

What birds have a reddish breast?

The Northern Cardinal is undoubtedly one of the most well-recognized birds in the North American avian community, and for a good reason.

Its unmistakable deep red breast is a unique and striking feature, even against its bright crimson body feathers. This bird can also be spotted in parts of Mexico, Central America, and Texas. 

While Northern Cardinals are perhaps the first to come to mind when thinking of reddish birds, there are actually many other species across the world that share similar features.

The Red-Legged seriema, a large bird native to South America, has an orange-red chest that gives it its name. 

Final words

The red-chested nine small bird is a beautiful creature that is known for its vibrant plumage.

These birds are found in the tropical forests of South America and are a popular choice among bird enthusiasts.

If you’re looking to add a little bit of color to your aviary, then these delicate creatures are the perfect addition.

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