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14 Birds With Red Head And Black Body

Bird With Red Head And Black Body

Do you know what a bird with red head and black body look like? No? Well then you are definitely missing out a lot on the beauty of nature. In this blog post, we’ll tell you about several birds that have red heads and black bodies but are not often seen in your garden.  


Bird With Red Head And Black Body

Birdwatching is a popular hobby for many people, and there are plenty of different birds to see. One type of bird that is particularly striking is the bird with red head and black body. These birds are found in many different parts of the world and come in a variety of different species. While they may look similar at first glance, each species has its own unique features. 

For example, the Red-headed Finch has a black body with a red head, while the Crimson Sunbird has a red head and breast with a black back. Whether you’re looking for a new bird to add to your life list or simply want to enjoy the beauty of nature, be sure to keep an eye out for these stunning creatures. Let’s discuss some more birds who have red heads and black bodies. 

1. Scarlet-headed Blackbird

The Scarlet-headed Blackbird is a bird with red head and black body. The male has a black body with a red head, while the female has a black body with a brown head.

Both sexes have yellow eyes. The Scarlet-headed Blackbird is found in Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. It prefers open habitats such as grasslands, savannas, and agricultural areas.

The Scarlet-headed Blackbird feeds on insects, spiders, seeds, and fruits. It nests in trees or shrubs, often near water. 

2. Turkey Vulture

The Turkey Vulture is a large bird of prey that is found throughout North and South America. Also known as the turkey buzzard or carrion crow, this scavenger feeds primarily on the carcasses of dead animals. Though it will occasionally eat living prey, the Turkey Vulture is relatively reluctant to do so. This bird has several distinctive features, including its bare head and red eyes. 

3. Red Headed Woodpecker

The Red Headed Woodpecker is a striking bird that is easily recognizable by its bright red head. These birds are found in North America and prefer to live in wooded areas.

They are excellent climbers and often nest in trees. Although they will eat a variety of insects, the Red Headed Woodpecker has a particular fondness for ants. 

These birds are also known for their acrobatic flight patterns and their loud “drumming” noises, which they use to communicate with other members of their species. 

4. Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker is a large, striking bird that is native to North America. It is most easily identified by its distinctive red crest, which is longer in males than in females. The Pileated Woodpecker is a very powerful bird, capable of drilling holes up to four inches wide in trees in search of food. Its diet consists mainly of ants and other insects, but it will also eat fruits and nuts. 

5. Purple Finch

The purple finch is a bird with a red head and black body. It is found in North America, Europe, and Asia. The bird is about five to six inches long and weighs about twenty-five grams. The bird’s diet consists of seeds, fruits, and insects. The bird mates for life and builds its nest in trees. The bird is not endangered but is considered to be threatened in some parts of its range due to habitat loss from deforestation.

6. Red-headed Manakin

The Red-headed Manakin is a bird with red head and black body. It is found in the forests of Central and South America.

The Red-headed Manakin is a small bird, measuring only 10 cm in length. It has a short tail and wings, and its plumage is mostly black. The male has a red head, neck, and breast, while the female has a greenish head and neck. Both sexes have white wing bars and white underparts. 

The Red-headed Manakin is an insectivore, feeding on ants, beetles, flies, and other small insects. It typically forages in the forest canopy, using its bill to pick insects off of leaves and branches.

7. Red-headed Vulture

The red-headed vulture, also known as the king vulture, is a large bird of prey found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Measuring up to four feet in length and weighing up to eight pounds, the red-headed vulture is one of the largest birds in its habitat. The red-headed vulture has a distinctive plumage, with a white body and black wings. 

The head and neck are bare and reddish-orange in color, and the bill is hooked and sharply curved. The red-headed vulture feeds primarily on carrion, using its powerful beak to rip open the carcasses of dead animals. 

8. Acorn Woodpecker

The Acorn Woodpecker is a small bird native to North America. The adult Acorn Woodpecker is black with white stripes on its back and has a red crest. The male and female look similar, but the male has a red patch on the back of his head. The Acorn Woodpecker lives in woodlands and fed primarily on acorns. 

The Acorn Woodpecker is an important part of the ecosystem because it disperses the acorns that it stores, this helps to ensure that new oak trees can grow. Unfortunately, the Acorn Woodpecker is threatened by habitat loss and competition from other animals for its food source. However, conservation efforts are underway to protect this unique bird.

9. Black-bellied Myzomela

The Black-bellied Myzomela is a small bird native to the Solomon Islands. It is approximately 4.5 inches long and weighs only 0.35 ounces. The bird is black with a white belly, and its tail is slightly forked. It is an important pollinator of the island’s native plants. 

The bird feeds on nectar, and its long beak allows it to reach deep into flowers. As the bird moves from flower to flower in search of food, it spreads pollen, which fertilizes the plants and helps them to reproduce.

10. Red-headed Malimbe

The red-headed malimbe is a beautiful bird with red head and black body. It is found in the forests of Central and West Africa, where it feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List due to habitat loss and degradation. The bird is also hunted for food in some areas. The red-headed malimbe is a beautiful bird that deserves our protection.

11. Scarlet-horned Manakin


The Scarlet-horned Manakin is a small bird found in the forests of Central and South America. Measuring just over 4 inches in length, the Scarlet-horned Manakin is one of the smallest birds in the world.

The male Scarlet-horned Manakin is brightly colored, with a red head and breast, black wings and tail, and white belly. The female is much less colorful, with greenish upperparts and whitish underparts. Both sexes have two short, reddish horns on the head. 

12. Crimson-headed Partridge

The Crimson-headed Partridge is a native of the Indian subcontinent and is easily distinguished by its striking red head. The bird is found in forests and scrubland, where it feeds on insects, grubs, and berries.

Despite its vibrant plumage, the Crimson-headed Partridge is shy and difficult to spot in the wild. The bird is also notable for its unique mating ritual, in which the male performs an elaborate dance to attract a mate. 

Once a pair has been formed, the female helps to build a nest from twigs and leaves, in which she will lay her eggs. Although the Crimson-headed Partridge is not currently considered to be at risk of extinction, habitat loss and hunting pressure mean that the bird faces significant challenges in the wild.

13. Red-headed Myzomela

The red-headed myzomela (Myzomela erythrocephala) is a small bird in the honeyeater family. It is found in the Solomon Islands, where it is common on the islands of Guadalcanal, Malaita, and Makira. The red-headed myzomela has a black body with a reddish brown head. The wings and tail are black, and there is a white band across the breast. 

The red-headed myzomela feeds on nectar and insects. It builds its nests in tree cavities, using spider webs to bind the sticks together. The red-headed myzomela is not considered to be at risk of extinction. However, habitat loss due to logging and agriculture is a threat to the species.

14. Crimson-crested Woodpecker

The Crimson-crested Woodpecker is a bird with red head and black body. It is found in Mexico, Central America, and the Amazon Basin. The bird eats insects, fruits, and nuts. It excavates holes in trees to make nests. The bird is declining in numbers due to habitat loss. 


The next time you’re out birdwatching, be sure to keep an eye out for the birds mentioned above. With their bright-colored heads and jet-black bodies, they’re absolutely mesmerizing and pretty hard to miss! So, if you get a chance to see a bird with red head and black body ever, don’t forget to snap a picture and share it on social media.

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  1. Wow. This article is so interesting. I don’t think that there are so many species of birds with red heads. This helps me to improve my knowledge. Before reading your article, I just know Northern Cardinal as a red bird. Thanks a lot.

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