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7 Birds That Bring Bad Luck!

Birds That Bring Bad Luck

Do you believe that there are birds that bring bad luck in a person’s life? There are many different types of birds that are considered to be superstitious, and people often react negatively when they see them.

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most superstitious birds and find out why people believe they bring bad luck. We’ll also explore how people react when they see these birds and what kind of precautions they take to avoid them. 


Which Birds That Bring Bad Luck?  

In many cultures, people are afraid of birds that bring bad luck. Many birds are considered to bring bad luck because they are thought to be omens of death or disease. For instance, blackbirds are associated with darkness and evil.

Ravens, crows, and blackbirds are often seen as harbingers of misfortune or death. These birds are also known for their association with dark magic and witchcraft.

Other birds that are considered to be unlucky include owls. Owls are generally associated with wisdom, but in some cultures, they are seen as bad luck. This is because owls are nocturnal creatures that hunt in the dark.

They are also associated with death and disaster. Let us discuss more the birds that are associated with bad luck and bad omens.



There are a number of reasons why crows are often associated with bad luck and bad omens. For one, they tend to be seen as aggressive and menacing creatures, which can make them seem like bad news.

Additionally, they are scavengers, which means they often feed on carrion and other rotting corpses. This scavenging behavior is considered unclean and disrespectful by many cultures, and as a result, crows are often seen as harbingers of death. 

Additionally, crows are often seen as symbols of darkness and gloom, which can make them seem like bad omens. In addition, crows are known for their shrill cries, which can be unsettling and even eerie.

Their dark plumage is also often seen as a sign of bad tidings, as it is associated with darkness and despair. All of these factors combine to make crows a generally feared and disliked bird, which is why they have long been considered to be bad omens, bringing misfortune to those who cross their path.


Birds That Bring Bad Luck

One of the most common theories about Magpie is that their black-and-white plumage is associated with death. In some cultures, magpies are also believed to be able to steal souls, and their cawing is thought to be the sound of them laughing at the misfortune of others.

One reason for this is that the birds are often seen as pests, robbing gardens and farms of their fruits and berries. 

In addition, magpies are known to be very aggressive, and their long, sharp beaks can cause serious injuries. As a result, many people believe that it is best to avoid these birds altogether.

In China, there is a folktale about a magpie bridge that appears on the seventh day of the seventh month.

This bridge is said to be made up of hundreds of magpies, and it provides a way for lovers who are separated to meet. However, it is also said that crossing the bridge will bring bad luck. 

In Roman mythology, for example, the goddess Minerva was said to transform a howling wolf into a magpie after it had disturbed her sleep. Since then, the bird has been associated with mischief and bad fortune and is included in the birds that bring bad luck.

Regardless of the reasons behind it, the negative reputation of the magpie is likely to continue for many years to come.



Ravens are renowned for their association with omens of trouble and bad luck. One of the most popular theories is that their dark plumage is linked to death and darkness, making them a symbol of misfortune.

Additionally, ravens are often associated with sorcery and witchcraft, which further adds to their sinister reputation. 

Another theory is that the link between ravens and bad luck dates back to the days of early sailing ships. Ravens were attracted to the garbage disposal areas on these ships, and they were known to steal food from the sailors. Additionally, their sharp claws and beaks are said to represent danger, while their hoarse calls are often seen as a sign of impending doom. 

Their ability to imitate human speech can make them seem like they are trying to communicate some sort of message, which can be interpreted as an omen of bad news. Whatever the reason, ravens have long been associated with bad luck and bad omens, and their Reputation is unlikely to change anytime soon.


Birds That Bring Bad Luck

It is unclear exactly why owls are included in the birds that bring bad luck. One theory is that the nocturnal habits of owls make them a symbol of darkness and death.

In many cultures, birds are also seen as messengers from the spirit world, and so an owl’s appearance might be interpreted as a sign of bad news to come.

Whatever the reason, owls have long been associated with misfortune, and they continue to be viewed with suspicion in many parts of the world.

In some cases, this has led to persecution, with owls being killed in an effort to ward off bad luck. Another theory is that the association of owls with bad luck may be due to the fact that they are predators.



Buzzards are often associated with bad luck, as they are scavengers that feast on carrion. For one, buzzards are scavengers, and they’re often seen feeding on carrion. This can give them a sinister reputation, as it’s associated with death. Additionally, buzzards tend to be found in rural areas, and they’re often seen circling overhead.

This can be unsettling, as it may appear that the bird is watching or waiting for something bad to happen. This is why they are included in birds that bring bad luck. 

Furthermore, buzzards have a distinctive call that can sound like someone crying or wailing. This can add to their eerie reputation and make them seem like an omen of bad things to come.  In many cultures, they are seen as omens of death, and the scavenging habits of buzzards make them particularly feared. 

In some parts of the world, people believe that buzzards can steal souls, and they will go to great lengths to avoid being near one of these birds. Consequently, these birds are often blamed for bad luck, even when there is no evidence to support such claims.



Vultures have been associated with bad luck and superstitions since ancient times. One theory is that their scavenging habits made them associated with death and decay. In some cultures, they were believed to be able to communicate with the dead and were thought to be bad omens.

Their appearance also contributed to their bad reputation – they are often bald or have bare heads, which can be seen as creepy or eerie. 

Additionally, their diet of rotting meat can make them smell bad, furthering the association with death. Given all of these factors, it is not surprising that vultures have developed such a negative reputation.

However, some people have started to see them in a more positive light, as they provide an important service by eating carcasses and helping to prevent the spread of disease.



Whip-poor-wills are nocturnal birds known for their repetitive call, which sounds like “whip-poor-will.” In many cultures, whip-poor-wills are considered to be bad luck, and they are often associated with death and misfortune. That is why they are one of the birds that bring bad luck. 

One superstition states that hearing a whip-poor-will call three times is an omen of death. Another belief is that the bird steals the souls of the dead, which is why they are often seen near cemeteries.

Regardless of the reason, whip-poor-wills have long been associated with bad luck and superstition.

You will also like to read: Birds That Bring Good Luck

Other Birds Superstitions

There are a number of superstitions associated with birds. For instance: 

  • One is that if a bird flies into your house, it is an omen of bad luck. 
  • Another is that if you kill a bird, you will have seven years of bad luck. 
  • Other superstitions include the belief that birds can steal your soul, and that if you see a blackbird, it means death is coming. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Superstitions about birds are widespread, and they vary from culture to culture. However, one thing that seems to be common among all of them is the belief that birds are somehow connected to the supernatural world. Here are some frequently asked question about birds that bring bad luck. 

What bird is the harbinger of death?

The blackbird is considered to be an omen of death in many cultures, including the Celtic, Slavic, and Chinese traditions.

In China, the blackbird is associated with the dark side of the yin-yang symbol. In Celtic mythology, the blackbird is a messenger from the otherworld. Slavic tradition associates the blackbird with dark forces and death. 

When a bird poops on you is bad luck?

There are a few birds that are considered to be bad luck if they poop on you. These birds include the blackbird, the crow, and the magpie. People believe that if a blackbird poops on you, it is an omen of death.

Is owl an evil bird?

The owl is included in one of the birds that bring bad luck. In Native American mythology, the owl is a symbol of death and destruction.

In Celtic mythology, the owl is associated with death and darkness. In Chinese culture, the owl is also a symbol of bad luck.

What does it mean when a bird enters the window? 

There is a superstition that if a bird enters your house through the window, it is an omen of death. This superstition is particularly prevalent in the UK.

What does it mean when a crow visits you?

In many cultures, birds are seen as messengers from the gods or omens of things to come. So, it’s no surprise that birds are often associated with good or bad luck. Some people believe that crows visiting your home are a sign of bad news or death.

Final Words

While there are birds that bring bad luck, there are also birds that are considered to be good luck. Different cultures have different beliefs about which birds are good or bad luck.

In some cultures, birds are seen as omens of death and in some they bring good luck too. Regardless of what people believe, birds are a part of nature and should be respected.

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